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The first task in getting started with the Broadridge FXL Application as a developer is to get the environment running locally so you may debug issues. This starts with installing the code locally. Please follow the below steps to begin:

  1. Determine the path of your Broadridge FXL code repository locally.

This can vary depending on your local machine configuration, but the path will typically be something like "C:\Development\TwoFour Version 7.5\react-ui\broadridge-fxl"

  1. Open an command prompt in Windows by hitting the start button and typing "cmd", then hitting enter.

  2. In the command prompt, navigate to the path found in step 1 using the cd command.


If the path to your repo matched our example in step 1, you would use the command: cd C:\Development\TwoFour Version 7.5\react-ui\broadridge-fxl

  1. Ensure you are connected to the Broadridge network and execute the command npm install.

  2. Watch the command prompt for any errors that may occur while running the install command above.

  3. Ensure the node_modules folder is populated with the installed libraries


If your repo path has matched ours, you would check for the libraries in "C:\Development\TwoFour Version 7.5\react-ui\broadridge-fx\node_modules"